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Our Diocesan Anti-Racism Committee is offering a series of 1-hour listening circles over the coming week and you are invited. Click the link to find the dates and times, then choose one to register. Each circle can accommodate 12 participants, so pre-registration is required.

Find the list of circles here: 

You will also find a robust list of resources at that link (for all ages) to engage in this work.

Messages from our Bishop & Presiding Bishop

Bishop Reddall’s E-pistle Statement published on 5/29/2020:

Presiding Bishop Curry’s sermon at Washington National Cathedral on 5/31/2020:

Presiding Bishop Curry’s Op-Ed in the Washington Post, published on 5/31/2020:

Presiding Bishop Curry’s Interview on the Today Show on 6/1/2020:

About Saint Barnabas

Welcome to, our church community’s online expression of our life and mission. If you are looking for a place that feels like home, a place where friends remember your name and become excited when they see you across the patio, a place where members share the value of deep, life-changing faith in Jesus, you’ve come to the right place. All are welcome.