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Broadway Bash 2024 – Young At Heart:
A Whimsical Musical Extravaganza!

Picture this: Saint Barnabas Episcopal Church transformed into a playground of musical delight, all in the name of our annual fundraising for Youth Missions. It was a celebration of the pure magic of childhood, where dreams soar higher than skyscrapers and mischief lurks around every corner. Our resident script wizard, Adele Powers, spun a tale that would make even Peter Pan jealous: a birthday bash for a young-at-heart grandfather and his grandchildren, with a mischievous age-reversal potion that caused more chaos than a troupe of monkeys in a kitchen.

The stage came alive with toe-tapping tunes and belly laughs galore. Imagine grown-ups channeling their inner child, and children strutting their stuff like seasoned pros. From the timeless optimism of “Tomorrow” from Annie to the whimsical wisdom of “Giants in the Sky” from Into the Woods, and even a sprinkle of nostalgia with “Raining on Prom Night” from Grease, every note was a step closer to never growing up.

But let’s talk about the culinary masterminds behind the scenes! Our kitchen staff were more than just cooks, they were culinary magicians. Think charcuterie on a stick, Caesar salad with optional forks (because who needs ’em anyway?), spaghetti with a side of giant meatball, and a spoonful of s’mores for dessert. It was a feast fit for Neverland itself!

And what’s a bash without some good old-fashioned fun? Raffles and silent auctions kept the excitement buzzing well into the night, ensuring that the spirit of youthfulness lingered in every corner.

As the curtain closed on another unforgettable evening at Saint Barnabas, we couldn’t help but feel grateful for the joy and laughter that filled our hearts. Until next year, when we’ll do it all over again—because why should growing up stop us from having fun?

Click the picture gallery below to replay the great memories captured from the event!

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