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Seeking Nominations for 2019 Vestry & Convention Delegates

The Nominations Committee is seeking nominees to serve as Vestry members and Convention Delegates and Alternates in 2019.   Elections will take place at our Yearly Celebration Meeting on January 27, 2019.

Use this form to nominate someone to serve on the Vestry or as a Diocesan Convention Delegate.

Please do not nominate someone without asking them if they would like to be nominated.

Nomination Form

To Nominate someone to serve on the Vestry of Saint Barnabas or as a Delegate to Diocesan Convention.


The Vestry is the governing body of an Episcopal Church.  The Vestry is led by a Senior Warden (commonly known as “the Rector’s Warden” and a Junior Warden (commonly known as “The People’s Warden.”)  There are 12 Vestry members who each serve three years, with four rotating off and four new members elected each year.

Saint Barnabas bylaw requirements include that each Vestryperson shall be a communicant in good standing, 21 years of age or over, canonically resident in the Parish for at least one year and a pledging member in support of the Parish at time of nomination and throughout their Vestry term.

Would you be interested in serving?  Do you see a person who you feel would serve Saint Barnabas well on Vestry or as a Diocesan delegate?  Nominations may be submitted to Ann Hott in the parish office on or before October 20 (by email – or to the Vestry Nominations Chairperson Karen Steckler (by email –

Delegates and Alternates to the Diocesan Convention are also elected annually at the Yearly Celebration.

Saint Barnabas is allowed five Delegates and five Alternates each year.   Any Saint Barnabas communicant in good standing 18 years of age or older may petition to have his or her name included on the ballot as a nominee for Diocesan Convention Delegate.

Qualifications for all Positions


The Bylaws of Saint Barnabas on the Desert specify qualifications for the Senior Warden, Junior Warden, and Vestryperson positions. All must be communicants in good standing as that term is defined in the Canons of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Arizona. In addition, they must be pledging members in support of the Parish at the time of election and during full tenure in their positions.

Senior Warden
  • The Senior Warden is appointed by the Rector and holds office at the pleasure of the Rector.

Junior Warden
  • From the Bylaws – In the absence of the Rector and the Senior Warden and in the event of the inability or refusal to act of both the Rector and the Senior Warden, and subject to the provisions of the Canons of the Church, the Junior Warden shall perform the lay duties of the Rector, subject to the same limitations herein placed upon the Senior Warden. The Junior Warden shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Rector or by the Vestry.
  • Time Commitment –
    • Attendance at monthly Vestry, Finance Committee and Wardens Committee meetings
    • Attendance and participation in special projects as requested
  • Tenure – The Junior Warden is elected annually and holds office until the next annual meeting. The Junior Warden may be reelected to a second term but shall not thereafter be eligible for re-election as Junior Warden until after the expiration of one year from the date of the termination of previous service.

  • From the Bylaws – The affairs of Saint Barnabas are managed by its board of directors, known as the Vestry. The Vestry consists of the Rector, the Senior Warden, the Junior Warden, and twelve Vestrypersons.


  • Management Responsibilities – Vestry members as a group hold fiduciary responsibility for Saint Barnabas. They approve how funds are used. This ranges from approval of the overall budget to individual funding requests. The Finance Committee, Stewardship Committee, and Buildings and Grounds, among others, provide input to the Vestry for their consideration in making these decisions. Vestry members meet in retreat each spring to identify initiatives and priorities for the parish as a whole for the coming year. Individual matters of parish management occasionally come to the Vestry for consideration. 


  • Connection Responsibilities – Vestry members are called to make connections with the members of Saint Barnabas. ‘Vestry’ name tags are worn to designate their membership. Vestry members are available for conversation with parishioners at church on Sundays or at special events.


  • Time Commitment
    • Attendance at monthly Vestry meetings held on the third Monday evening of each month (meetings may occasionally vary from this general guideline; a calendar is provided in January of each year)
    • Attendance at annual Vestry Retreat, held on a Friday evening and all day Saturday – usually in February or March
    • Attendance at special parish events

What does it mean to serve at Diocesan Convention?



The Bylaws of Saint Barnabas on the Desert specify that Delegates and Alternates shall be Voting Members of the Parish.  Voting Members are defined as ‘Those communicants in good standing as that term is defined in the Canons, who are 18 years of age or older.”



Delegates attend the convention.  Delegates vote.  They do not vote as representatives of Saint Barnabas but on their own faith experience and values regarding the matter at hand.  Delegates are asked to commit to attending and to notify Saint Barnabas as soon as possible if they are not able to do so.



Alternates attend convention if they desire to do so.  If a delegate is not able to attend alternates are asked to attend in their place, at which point they become delegates.


Where and When

The Diocesan Convention location is to be determined but is typically held in the Phoenix area.  It begins Friday morning; sessions are held all day Friday.  There is a dinner Friday night and sessions all day Saturday, concluding late Saturday afternoon.


  • The Convention (often) takes place the 3rd weekend in October.
  • Delegates and alternates are contacted by email in mid-August to obtain their reservations for dinner and convention workshops.
  • In September, when delegates have confirmed their attendance, alternates will receive notification of whether their service as a delegate is or is not needed. (NOTE: Attending Convention is open to all who are interested!)
  • The Diocese hosts the Convention. Materials needed are readily available on the diocesan website –