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Five hundred years ago, Teresa of Avila wrote: “…if you want to learn how to pray and grow closer to God, find a ‘spiritual friend’ – someone who knows how to listen for God.” Teresa’s wisdom continues to this day.

At Saint Barnabas, we collaborate together with Christian Formation and Direction Ministries (CFDM) to form and equip “spiritual friends:” spiritual directors. Each of our certified spiritual directors spend two years training and cultivating self-knowledge, authenticity, and deep listening skills. They have demonstrated compassion, the habit of turning toward God, and a good sense of humor, and have been trained for the purpose of helping to “lead others into a renewed love for the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit through spiritual formation and the art of spiritual direction.”


Spiritual directors are available for appointments at Saint Barnabas. For a list of directors or for more information, please contact Joyce Vidal-Thornburg: (602) 750-9970, or consult this web page


If you are interested in applying to train as a spiritual director in the CFDM program or if you wish to learn more about spiritual direction, please be in touch with Joyce Vidal-Thornburg, Executive Director of CFDM Arizona.