Correction from Reverend Jim: In the sermon on December 17, I miss-spoke and feel the need to correct myself. I said, “The world has no Light but the followers of Jesus.” I don’t think or believe that. The Light of God and the Light of Christ are present in the world in many ways. The thought I intended to communicate is that Jesus sends his followers to radiate his Light in the world. To the extent we don’t live into the Light within ourselves and come to peace, the world does not have the benefit of the Light radiating from the peaceful followers of Jesus. This Christmas may we again come to the One who is our peace and be Light to the world.
About The Rev. Jim Clark
Rector/Senior Pastor at Saint Barnabas. Follower of Jesus. Husband and father of four. Grateful Episcopalian. Energized by resting in the boundless Presence within. Enjoy being with my beloved, family, friends, work, photography, and fly-fishing.