Faith Formation
Boundless joy for all.
Faith Formation 2022
Faith Formation, Sundays at 9am.
Below you will find fresh opportunities to take root, growing in intimacy with God and the saints of Saint Barnabas…knowing and being known. We hope you will be inspired to go deeper with your spiritual life this season.
Our whole lives are continually being formed by our discipleship journey, so we continuously explore our faith to grow more deeply into the people that God made us to be. At Saint Barnabas, we do this through small groups, Bible study, conversation, and prayer. Faith Formation is woven into every activity we offer for children and youth; both the “spoken” and “unspoken” lessons center on an active friendship with God, the stories of Jesus, and the loving action of the Holy Spirit.
For Adults
Conversations is a class led by a rotation of our clergy during our 9am formation hour – our current topics cover Episcopal beliefs and practices outlined in the Catechism and throughout our Book of Common Prayer. The class meets in the Learning Center Library and all are welcome. Questions? Contact The Rev. Jennifer Tucker
To learn more about adult Faith Formation please click here
For Children
On Sunday mornings at 9am, we offer children’s programming for ages 1-11 years in the Children’s Center. Children’s Conversations will include toddler care, an engaging lesson, and art response, along with games and community building. For questions, contact Sarah Petersen
Children’s Chapel continues in the Chapel gathering at 10am and beginning at 10:15am.
To learn more about children’s Faith Formation please click here
For questions about any of these Faith Formation opportunities, please call the parish office. All Are Welcome.
About Saint Barnabas
Welcome to, our church community’s online expression of our life and mission. If you are looking for a place that feels like home, a place where friends remember your name and become excited when they see you across the patio, a place where members share the value of deep, life-changing faith in Jesus, you’ve come to the right place. All are welcome.