Pastoral Care
We recognize healing as a vital part of Jesus’ ministry on earth, and extend prayers to those in need of healing in today’s world.
Every Sunday morning during communion at both the 7:45 & 10:15 services, Lay Healing Prayer Ministers join a member of the clergy at the Healing Prayer Station to anoint and pray for all who come seeking healing for themselves or a loved one.
Healing Prayer Ministers are trained intercessors who, in a hands-on and uniquely personal way, wholeheartedly join themselves in prayer with all who have need. Healing Prayer is one of the many ways our parishioners pastor to one another.
Click here to learn more about Pastoral Care at Saint Barnabas.
About Saint Barnabas
Welcome to, our church community’s online expression of our life and mission. If you are looking for a place that feels like home, a place where friends remember your name and become excited when they see you across the patio, a place where members share the value of deep, life-changing faith in Jesus, you’ve come to the right place. All are welcome.