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Sunday morning forums at 9 in Hutton Hall

January 28 – Part 2

Scroll down to stream Part 1

Episcopal Spirituality intentionally and definitively finds its roots in Jesus’ teaching and practice. In these three forums, Rev. Jim shows us how The ART of Engaging Holy Scripture is a modern, Episcopal way of following Jesus’ practice.

Following these forums, we will start new taehs small groups the week of February 11. (You do not need to attend the forums to sign up for a group). Groups will meet on zoom and in person with weekday morning and evening groups planned. We’re taking signups now. See below for how to sign up for a group.

What you can expect if you join a taehs small group – Part 2 of 3  

  • Taehs groups meet weekly for one hour, in structured sessions with three components. Each week we share stories from our lives, report on our engagements with the Bible since our last meeting and engage a Bible passage together in our group. Having these three components creates dynamism that energizes the group and keeps us coming back.
  • Taehs groups are guided by trained facilitators. Rev. Jim developed the curriculum and the training program for facilitators. Facilitators do not teach; they guide the group to ensure everyone has a chance to share if they wish, that the sharing stays on track, and that the group starts and ends on time.

From a participant: “The sharing and insight I get from fellow group members really helps me see the readings with new eyes. I was apprehensive at first, thought I didn’t know “enough” to contribute. It has instead been very supportive and fruitful. It’s amazing.”

Episcopal Spirituality Week 1 of 3 | January 21 2023 | The Rev Jim Clark

To sign up or if you have questions, contact Ann Hott our TAEHS coordinator, by clicking HERE

More information is available by CLICKING HERE