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Every church and worship space is different; as ushers our mission is to enable worshipers at Saint Barnabas to easily and fully engage in our services. We assist worshipers by helping them find a seat, distributing bulletins, managing the flow of people to communion, collecting and counting the offering, and caring for unexpected needs during the service. Ushers work throughout the church, but you can usually find us inside the church entrance or immediately outside on the patio.

Ushers at Saint Barnabas usually serve on teams of six, with teams distributed into a few specific roles (taking collection, managing the pacing of communion, helping worshipers who are in need in the pews, etc.). This hands-on ministry requires an ability to move around our sanctuary, attentiveness to people’s needs, and ability to problem-solve calmly when needed.

For more information about training to volunteer as an usher,
please contact Head Usher, Tom Timmer.