Fall Silent Retreat
A retreat for Newcomers to the Practice of centering prayer
November 7-10 | Redemptorist Renewal Center, Tucson, AZ
Registration is now OPEN!

Giving God the Space to be God in Us
A Centering Prayer Retreat
“Silence is not the absence of noise but the absence of resistance to God.”
Fr. Thomas Keating
November 7-10
Redemptorist Renewal Center, Tucson, AZ
Registration is now OPEN: Contact Debbie Moore at (508) 942-8953
* Previous silent retreat attendance is a prerequisite for registration.
The fall intensive retreat is designed for those with a well-established daily practice of Centering Prayer, or a similar daily practice of silence/meditation. Each day includes three 1-hour periods of Centering Prayer with walking meditation and evening compline. Silence is honored throughout each day, including mealtime, giving participants a sacred place to attend to the longings of their hearts and welcome God’s healing presence. A time for joy and renewal, the retreat includes ample time to walk the labyrinth, explore the beauty of the desert, read, journal, or simply rest. The opportunity to share one’s thoughts will be a joyful part of our closing ceremonies on Sunday.
Three healthy and delectable meals a day are offered, and the dining room is always open for coffee/tea, water bottle refills, and fresh fruit. Both single and shared room options are available.
Spiritual direction and massage are available by appointment. To register or for more information, contact Debbie Moore at (508) 942-8953
Click here to learn more about Retreats at Saint Barnabas.
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Redemptorist Renewal Center, Tucson, AZ
7101 W. Picture Rock Road, Tucson, AZ 85743-0569
Event at a glance
- November 7, 2024 12:00 am–November 10, 2024 12:00 am
- 7101 W. Picture Rock Road, Tucson, AZ 85743-0569