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Week 2 Recap: “A Glitch in Time” at Saint Barnabas Episcopal Church Arts Camp

Hey everyone!

Wow, can you believe it? We just had two weeks of awesomeness at Saint Barnabas Arts Camp, A Glitch in Time, and it’s been a blast! Let me tell you all about our incredible week of creativity and fun.

We kicked off on Monday with some delicious and colorful dino krispies in the kitchen. They were as fun to make as they were tasty! In art class, we crafted dino masks adorned with gems, feathers, and other cool decorations. I can’t wait to show mine to my family! Then in music, we sang songs and did vocal exercises that kept us entertained all morning. And drama? Acting like dinosaurs was epic!

Tuesday was just as exciting. We whipped up sweet, delicious fry bread in the kitchen and made awesome print-making circles in art using styrofoam and stamps. Drama class had us playing follow-the-leader and name games in circles, which was a blast. And in music, we practiced vocal warm-ups and jammed with rhythm sticks – so cool!

Wednesday was Wild West day! We decorated cowboy and cowgirl cookies in the kitchen (yee-haw!), crafted fun instruments like Pan flutes and drums in art, and played fun guessing games in drama. Our music session had us singing catchy tunes like “Do Your Ears Hang Low?” – it was a hit!

Thursday was all about creativity. We painted and decorated tiles for a bench project, wrote thoughtful cards in art class, and played more exciting drama games. And in music, we kept our voices safe with vocal warm-ups before rocking out with the instruments we made earlier in the week.

Finally, on Friday, we mixed things up! We made biscuits with yummy jelly in the kitchen, created journals, and decorated them using our cool print-making circles and beads. Then, instead of music or drama, we put together our very own CAMP MUSIC VIDEO! It was the perfect way to wrap up our amazing week.

This year’s camp has been so much fun. I can’t wait to take everything we’ve made home and share it with my family. And you know what? I’m already looking forward to coming back next year for even more adventures at Saint Barnabas Arts Camp!

Catch you later, campers!

Much love,

Devin Blanco

Our Camp time-traveling troopers from WEEK 2, were part of this music video! Click below to view

Check out the amazing things they’ve created so far in the fun picture gallery below. And don’t forget to stay tuned for the next installment of this exciting journey through time!

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