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The next sessions of our Listening Program will begin October 2022. Click here if you would like to subscribe to our email for coming updates.

With The Rev. Jim Clark

Great visions inspire us … and … they ask something of us. 

Saint Paul saw a vision of a new humanity in Christ. A humanity of neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female. Jesus prayed “That they all may be one.”

We’ve all heard these words … after 2,000 years, have we lost sight, lost hope, lost the will to engage in what the vision asks of us?

In the divisive, contentiousness of our times, does the church offer a different way? 

In Discovering Common Ground, Listening ‘till the Listening Starts, we will learn a different way.

We will learn not just what we might do but how we can do it. And we can. The skill is imminently learnable. We will practice, practice, practice. And we will learn to laugh at ourselves!

The skill of not just listening but profound listening. The gift of not just being listened to but of feeling heard. The joy that spontaneously arises in real relationship. The mysterious power that overtakes us as we move from superficial unity to profound harmony.

But, be not confused, the dream asks something of us … “I urge you, therefore, to walk worthily of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and modesty and gentleness and meekness, with tranquil endurance bearing with one another in love, endeavoring, being zealous, with eagerness making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:1-3 paraphrased).

“I don’t know how to change the world … unless it is one relationship at a time. Starting with my self.” (Rev. Jim)

Workshop continues at 9am in Hutton Hall and on Z_o_o_m. Masks are not required for those who are vaccinated.

Z_o_o_m credentials are provided via our weekly email. Sign up here to receive them!

You can watch videos from previous sessions and download the handouts and resource materials. Click below.

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