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Saint Barnabas is now surrounded by more neighbors than before and our community continues to grow. How do we continue to be intentional in extending welcome to all around us? How do we extend our welcome beyond our grounds?

We invite you to join Rev. Robert for a series of trainings on the spiritual practice of Holy Listening. The practice of Holy Listening prepares people to engage in meaningful spiritual conversation with strangers or near-strangers in ways that illuminate and respect the presence of God in others’ lives. Practicing this form of Holy Listening fosters a greater awareness of God’s presence in the community around us and keeps us connected to the movement of God in our neighbors.

(Scroll Down to Register)

Participants in this project will learn (and refine):

· How to listen for where God is active in your life.

· How to connect your story with the stories of scripture.

· How to confidently initiate, engage, and participate in spiritual conversations in public and private settings.

· How to be an encouraging, loving presence.

· How to listen to our neighbors’ lives, hopes, dreams, and fears.

· How to name and celebrate the activity of God in another’s life, when appropriate.

This training is for you if:

· You are curious to learn more about our neighbors (or anyone)!

· You want to practice discerning God’s presence through—and with—others.

· You want to practice a form of discipleship that encounters God in the lives of others.

· You want to be an encouraging, peace-filled presence.

· You want to be more comfortable sharing your own spiritual life in ways that are winsome and compelling.


Training will be held weekly on Mondays or Thursdays from January 8 to February 12. See the registration form below for more information. Registration will close on January 1, 2024. We ask that you commit to attending at least four of the five sessions.

After the training, we will practice Holy Listening individually and in small groups in areas around the parish. This will be an opportunity to hear how God is moving in Scottsdale and Paradise Valley and to hear who our neighbors are. This is challenging—and life-giving—discipleship. Join us as we extend welcome beyond our walls.

Questions? Contact The Rev. Robert Berra.


Quick FAQs

Is this a class on evangelism?

…Not in the way we often hear about evangelism. Primarily, this project is about the spiritual practice of Holy Listening. Holy Listening assumes God is present already in the lives of those with whom we speak and that we can rejoice to discover God in the lives of others. This contrasts with evangelistic practices that assume those we talk to are categorically deficient in something we must provide.

Holy Listening may open an opportunity to extend an invitation to the church community. However, the goal is honoring the person we are listening to and learning from them—the goal is not to “sell” Saint Barnabas. We will discuss recognizing appropriate moments to offer an invitation and when to let the conversation conclude without an invitation.

Will we be “knocking on doors” in the neighborhood?

No. However, we will practice initiating or engaging in spiritual conversations in public and private settings. This is not as scary as it may seem!