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Artist: Roland Ptak

Medium: Holbien Duo oil and Windsor Newton water colors

Station: Jesus falls

Artist’s Statement

Why I chose to paint Christ falling with the cross. Richard Rohr in his book Falling Upward talks about dealing with life’s darkest moments, when we stumble, fail, fall in our endeavors. His premise is that we should value these moments as they can be productive in our spiritual growth, carrying us to a higher level. Christ, by his own election, by becoming human, shares this experience – like us, falls under the weight of his burden. The cross symbolizing the weight he was born to carry was heavy indeed, causing him to stumble on his way to the highest of all spiritual achievements (It is Finished!!!).

Conversation with the Artist

Click here to learn more about our Lent 2016 offering, the Artist’s Way of the Cross.

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