Saint Barnabas
Welcome to, our church community’s online expression of our life and mission. If you are looking for a place that feels like home, a place where friends remember your name and become excited when they see you across the patio, a place where members share the value of deep, life-changing faith in Jesus, you’ve come to the right place. All are welcome.
Diocesan Communications Survey
News, by Saint Barnabas
Please help our Diocese communicate better by participating in an online survey. This quick opportunity provided by Bishop Reddall is an easy way to contribute to improving the work of the Episcopal church! Please click here and fill out the survey by March 26. It only takes 10-15 minutes. Thank you!
Got Legs Furniture & Décor
News, by Saint Barnabas
Our hearts swell with love for a story of our parishioners, their support for one another, our community, and our mission to make disciples. Linda Killmer nominated Jim and Donna Piscopo for the Pay it Forward Award from azfamily 3TV CBS 5 for their hard work and dedication with Got Legs Furniture & Décor. “I have known Jim … Continue reading Got Legs Furniture & Décor
2021 Update | Mexico Medical Mission
News, by Saint Barnabas
Although much has changed in our lives over this past year, Saint Barnabas is still committed to Continuing Our Mission. This means continuing events such as The Great Saint Barnabas Food Drive, maintaining involvement in our community as much as we can, and updating our Mexico Medical Mission in new and exciting ways. Over the … Continue reading 2021 Update | Mexico Medical Mission
Faith Formation 2021
News, by Saint Barnabas
Faith Formation 2021 Faith Formation at Saint Barnabas is back, and we have so many opportunities for you to get involved! Join us for Gathering Families with Rev. Robert Berra, where our current topic is a Bible reflection with the Gospel appointed for the day. This special series is open to all parents who are … Continue reading Faith Formation 2021
The Great Saint Barnabas Food Drive | Update
News, by Saint Barnabas
As we move into the new year, we want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has had a helping hand in making this year’s food drives so successful! These special events would never be possible without the hard work of all our Saint Barnabas friends, and we are so grateful for the … Continue reading The Great Saint Barnabas Food Drive | Update
A Message From Our Rector
News, by Saint Barnabas
In person worship is suspended through the month of January 2021. Please click above to listen to Rev. Jim’s message and join us for our online worship this Sunday at 10:30am MST.
Schedule Change | 5pm Sunday Service
News, by Saint Barnabas
Friends—as promised, we wanted to communicate about our worship schedule and offerings as we know more about our needs, your hopes, and what all we can offer in this pandemic time. We’ve come to understand that the 5pm service on Sundays is not as needed as we had thought in the beginning, so we will … Continue reading Schedule Change | 5pm Sunday Service
Advent Lessons & Carols
News, by Saint Barnabas
Our Adult Parish choir has offered a Virtual Lessons & Carols this year. Musical offerings include Darke’s arrangement of “In the Bleak Midwinter”, Howell’s “Spotless Rose”, Halley’s Angelus ad Virginem, and many of your favorite Advent hymns and organ arrangements from our very own Michael Salazar. Click here to learn more about Music at Saint … Continue reading Advent Lessons & Carols
A Pastoral Message from The Rev. Jim Clark
News, by Saint Barnabas
I have felt the need to have a little bit of a pastoral word with us, and I’ve felt it for a while. And now, especially, not just the election, but the election, along with the continued pandemic, and along with the racial unrest of our time, all of this together has created … Continue reading A Pastoral Message from The Rev. Jim Clark
Prison Card Ministry
News, by Saint Barnabas
Over the past months, several members of the parish choir have been writing cards to the women incarcerated at the Perryville state prison in Goodyear. We are sharing some of the recipients’ responses to give encouragement to choir members sending cards and to invite parishioners to join us in this ministry. “Having had no contact … Continue reading Prison Card Ministry