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Sermon | Sunday, June 12, 2022
News, by The Rev. Jim Clark

Mission in the City
News, by Saint Barnabas

   We are thrilled, once again, to share with you our experience during our annual Saint Barnabas Youth Mission trip, “Mission in the City!” Funded in part by the annual Broadway Bash, a group of seven eighth-graders, two high-schoolers, one college student and four adults participated in several locally-based mission projects. Without venturing very … Continue reading Mission in the City

Habitat for Humanity | Build Day update
News, by Saint Barnabas

BUILD DAY UPDATE Habitat for Humanity –  Busy hands were working hard to contribute to progress at our Habitat for Humanity build in May. Together the team from Saint Barnabas was able to finish the roof just in time to avoid working in the extreme heat of summer. Once the roof was complete, they started … Continue reading Habitat for Humanity | Build Day update

Sermon | Sunday, May 29, 2022
News, by The Rev. Robert Berra

Sermon | Sunday, May 22, 2022
News, by The Rev. Jim Clark

Sermon | Sunday, May 15, 2022
News, by The Rev. Robert Berra

Sermon | Sunday, May 8, 2022
News, by The Rev. Jennifer Tucker

Faith Formation 2022
News, by Saint Barnabas

Faith Formation 2022 Faith Formation, Sundays at 9am. Below you will find fresh opportunities to take root, growing in intimacy with God and the saints of Saint Barnabas…knowing and being known. We hope you will be inspired to go deeper with your spiritual life this season. Our whole lives are continually being formed by our … Continue reading Faith Formation 2022

Preserving Our Prayerful Way of Life
News, by Saint Barnabas

 The anthems parishioner Linda Killmer sings in the choir on Sunday serves as a form of prayer that colors her life throughout each week. This experience illuminates her life at Saint Barnabas, growing her love for the community and all that it has to offer. Click the video above to listen to Linda’s story, and … Continue reading Preserving Our Prayerful Way of Life