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Sermon | Sunday, July 7, 2024
News, by Saint Barnabas

Experiencing Waves of Gratitude with the General Convention Children’s Program
News, by Saint Barnabas

June 2024 | Louisville, Kentucky I recently had the privilege of serving as the Director of the General Convention Children’s Program for the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Louisville, Kentucky. In the fall of 2023, Bishop Reddall asked me to consider serving as the 2024 Assistant Director in anticipation of becoming the Director … Continue reading Experiencing Waves of Gratitude with the General Convention Children’s Program

Sermon | Sunday, June 30, 2024
News, by Saint Barnabas

Sarah Petersen is off to General Convention!
News, by Saint Barnabas

Did you know? Sarah Petersen, Saint Barnabas Director of Children’s Ministries, has the honor of serving as Director of the General Convention Children’s Program for the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Louisville, KY. In 2023, Sarah was asked by Bishop Jennifer Reddall to work with the Office of the General Convention to prepare … Continue reading Sarah Petersen is off to General Convention!

A Glitch in Time | Week 2
News, by Saint Barnabas

Week 2 Recap: “A Glitch in Time” at Saint Barnabas Episcopal Church Arts Camp Hey everyone! Wow, can you believe it? We just had two weeks of awesomeness at Saint Barnabas Arts Camp, A Glitch in Time, and it’s been a blast! Let me tell you all about our incredible week of creativity and fun. … Continue reading A Glitch in Time | Week 2

Update on Our Habitat for Humanity Mission Projects
News, by Saint Barnabas

Dear Faithful, We’re excited to share an update on our Habitat for Humanity house. Don Carlos Street Project, Tempe Our progress on the Fall 2023 house on Don Carlos Street in Tempe has unfortunately come to a temporary halt. The City of Tempe is experiencing scheduling difficulties with water and power installations for the six … Continue reading Update on Our Habitat for Humanity Mission Projects

Sermon | Sunday, June 9, 2024
News, by Saint Barnabas

Sermon | Sunday, May 26, 2024
News, by Saint Barnabas

Celebrating Pentecost
News, by Saint Barnabas

On Sunday, May 19, our church community came together to celebrate Pentecost, and what a wonderful day it was! The vibrant sea of red worn by everyone in attendance added to the festive atmosphere. During the worship service, we immersed ourselves in the spirit of the day with a special reading from the book of … Continue reading Celebrating Pentecost

To our Sunday School Teachers:
News, by Saint Barnabas

A Heartfelt Celebration: Honoring Our Children’s Sunday School Teachers This past Sunday, May 19, we had the pleasure of hosting a celebratory luncheon for our dedicated children’s Sunday School teachers. As we marked the last Sunday of the program year, it was a joyous occasion to gather together, share a meal, and reflect on the … Continue reading To our Sunday School Teachers: