Grow deeper in your relationship with God.
If you are seeking time away from the busyness and demands of everyday life or if you are wishing for a space that allows your mind, body, and spirit to surrender to God’s Presence, we hope you’ll make time to attend a retreat. A common practice in many spiritual traditions, retreats offer us a peaceful environment free of daily distractions so that we might open ourselves to a deeper communion with God…
Saint Barnabas also partners with the Redemptorist Renewal Center in Tucson, Arizona to offer two transformative retreats every year, each with a different design.
For more information, contact Debbie Moore at (508) 942-8953
sign up to our newsletter to be in the know!
Before you attend a retreat you might consider:
- Having a daily practice of silence for a few months prior to the Spring Silent Retreats is highly recommended but not required. (exception: The Fall retreat has this prerequisite).
- Those who have never had a practice of silence may find the May spring retreat a good starting place.
- To enhance your experience and understanding of the Centering Prayer process and the language used, we recommend reading Open Mind, Open Heart by Thomas Keating before attending our retreats.
- Attending a workshop on centering prayer, centering prayer weekly groups, and/or Quiet Days will offer a valuable understanding of the practice of silence and its fruits, which would enhance your retreat experience immeasurably.
* Our registration process has changed
How can we make it easier for others to experience our wonderful retreats?
- Our retreats have become a yearly tradition for many of us and their popularity has grown over time. When registration opens, they are often booked up within days! This has been disappointing to many. We are looking for ways to share retreat experiences with those who have yet to attend a silent retreat; while continuing to gratefully serve those who join us faithfully each year. Thank you for helping us to make this possible.
- Our two yearly retreats each have their own design and schedule. (more to come soon) The description of each retreat makes it easy for you to find the retreat that best fits your needs and dates that work for you. We suggest you look over the descriptions and dates and make a note when registration opens for that 1st choice retreat. This process may open the opportunity for those who have not yet experienced one of our retreats to have a better chance to register.
- Registrations will be made available 8 weeks prior to each retreat.
- If you hope to attend more than 1 retreat a year, there are options to do so. When registrations are open, you can ask to have your name on a waitlist for that 2nd choice. Four weeks prior to the retreat, registrations will open for ALL. If space is still available at that time, those on the waiting list will be the first to be offered an opportunity to ‘‘hop aboard’! (There are always cancellations).
For more information, contact Debbie Moore at (508) 942-8953