~ 2022 ~
Dear Extended Family & Friends of Saint Barnabas/Resurrection Lutheran & Friends Mexico Medical Mission,
Join Us for the 2025 Saint Barnabas Mexico Medical Mission!
Our annual Mexico Medical Mission is July 13-18, and we invite you to participate in this life-changing experience!
🔹 Want to Learn More?
Mission participants will be available after both services to answer your questions. Contact Mary Beth at 321-223-7566 or if you can’t be there.
🔹 Join the Team!
We’re finalizing our roster and prioritizing medical professionals and translators—let us know if you’re interested!
🔹 Donate Today!
This year, we’re collecting donations early to ensure they arrive before the mission. Look for collection boxes in front of the church on Sundays and in the office during the week. We need:
✔ Large toothpaste & bars of soap
✔ Adult & children’s toothbrushes
✔ Glasses (prescription, sun, or readers)
✔ New or gently used shoes, hats, and T-shirts
✔ Other toiletries
🔹 Help Pack Supplies!
Join us for our first Packing Party on Sunday, March 2, at 11:30 AM.
Your support makes a difference—thank you for being part of this mission!
A Message From Your Family in Ensenada:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you very much for your collaboration on our Christmas programs in 2021. Thanks to your support, we could provide for approximately 500 children and 200 adults, four rehabilitation centers, including the prison for the psychiatric area and women, and vulnerable families with financial support and a Christmas dinner.
Amid so much sadness over the many deaths due to COVID-19 and the lack of employment for many people due to closed shops and personal health problems, we were able to take the opportunity to bless all these children and families — and draw a smile in their hearts of hope. It’s true that with the help of all of you, we can continue to make a difference.
In many cases, it was wonderful to see the smiles and tears of gratitude…for some, it was their first Christmas gift in many years, and for others, it was the confidence of knowing that God continues to be with them despite everything. Thank you very much for your collaboration and your help. We are eternally grateful for all your love for the Ensenada community.
We love you and bless your lives in our prayers.
Pastor Ruben Castaneda and Family
About Saint Barnabas
Welcome to, our church community’s online expression of our life and mission. If you are looking for a place that feels like home, a place where friends remember your name and become excited when they see you across the patio, a place where members share the value of deep, life-changing faith in Jesus, you’ve come to the right place. All are welcome.